
World of War Tanks for mac download
World of War Tanks for mac download

World of War Tanks for mac download

POL_SetupWindow_question "Do you want to install this game on a 64 bit wineprefix?" "$TITLE" POL_SetupWindow_menu "$(eval_gettext 'Which region version of World of Tanks would you like to install? Note: Korea not supported on this installation.')" "$TITLE" "North America~Europe~Russia~Asia" "~" POL_RequiredVersion "4.3.4" || POL_Debug_Fatal "$APPLICATION_TITLE 4.3.4 is required to install $TITLE" POL_GetSetupImages "$PREFIX/top.jpg" "$PREFIX/left.jpg" "$TITLE" # Add a argument to force D3D9 (default is D3D11). Tried: other shortucts, DXVK_161 and 170. # The compatibility seeems break because of the (now required) ' Game Center' and its 'black window' bug. # () (not tested, just to save bandwidth) # Removal of unused fixes to make the script more readable # Using old launcher to solve the Failed ::ShellExecuteExW - WinErr=2 error # POL_Wine -ignore-errors reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Wine\\DllRedirects" /v "wined3d" /t "REG_SZ" /d "wined3d-csmt.dll" # wine reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Wine\\DllRedirects" /v "wined3d" /t "REG_SZ" /d "wined3d-csmt.dll" # POL_Wine reg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Wine\\DllRedirects" /v "wined3d" # Distribution used to test : XUbuntu 18.04 圆4

World of War Tanks for mac download